To begin with an overview of American Burlesque history, we must look at the word definitions and what it brought to the society it began in. The word “burlesque” means: bur·lesque /ˌbərˈlesk/ noun noun: burlesque ; plural noun: burlesques an absurd or comically exaggerated imitation of something, especially in a literary or dramatic work; a parody. "the funniest burlesque of opera” The word derives from the Italian burlesco , which, in turn, is derived from the Italian burla – a joke, ridicule or mockery. Let’s take a short trip to North America in the beginning or burlesque… American burlesque is composed of three essential influences in the beginning years; Music Hall, Minstrel shows, and Victorian burlesque. These distinct performance artforms traveled to North America around the mid-1800s, gaining steady popularity in the 1860s. Evolving into the renowned performance art that we all know and love today. Victorian burlesque (or also known as travesty or extravaganza) ...
Here you will find little bits and pieces of who I am and what I do! This is my little corner of the interweb world and I am excited to share it! The Modest Ecdysiast, Artisan of the Tease, Founder Capital City Dolls, 1/3 PNW Mythical Muses, JaneilB Photography, BP2 survivor, & PNW Water Nymph.